I want to be on your podcast – I've got some real good stories and it'll be a real blastStuff I've done that I can talk about:
- Gone from agency world to in house marketer
- Left an 99% completed book manuscript unpublished because I stopped believing in a lot of what it said
- Received 200K+ views on music videos about B2B marketing
- Launched a choose your own adventure game as a product demo
- Run multiple 1:1 sales campaigns that generated heaps of revenue for a low-ARPU product
- Had an incredible time learning to let go of my crippling fear of doing things differently from the norm
- Turned deep customer insights into campaigns that delivered revenue and brand awareness
- Developed the RINse & Repeat framework to cope with the crippling existential dread facing B2B marketers in 2024 and beyond
- Learnt to merge the role of Creative Director and Growth Marketer in a B2B SaaS marketing context
Or choose from my greatest hits:
- How crying into a box of sandwiches in front of my wife and newborn child became a defining moment in my life
- How we made front page news across the UK and burned 20% of our annual revenue in one weekend by growing so fast
- Why the marketing playbooks you've based your career on so far won't carry you into the future
Or we can talk about whatever you want really.
'm looking to appear as a guest on more podcasts and if you'd like to have me, let's do it. Connect with me, DM me or ping me an email marc@positivehuman.co and we can set it up
I promise to be the most fun and warm, low ego guest you've ever had